
Showing posts from October, 2017

Idea Napkin No. 2 - 19A

1)  You.  Who you are. What your talents are. What your skills and experiences are. Also: what are your aspirations? Specifically regarding your business concept, how do you see this business (if you were to start it) playing a role in your life? I am a junior UFO student in the Warrington College of Business. I have over 4 years of experience in the Human Resources field. I love traveling and experiences new and different cultures, I would love to one day live overseas. If I were to start my business venture, I would market it to all. It would be my main priority and it will benefit parents all around the world. 2)  What are you offering to customers?  I am offering a sensor device for cars and child safety. It can detect unsafe temperatures in cars and alert parents if their child is still in the vehicle. This product can prevent child heatstroke in vehicles. This device would be able to be bought separately or sold to car manufacturers as well as car seat manufacturers. 3) 

Create a Customer Avatar – 18A

Using the customer segment you have already identified and researched, I'd like you to describe your prototypical customer in that segment with as much detail as you can. Include pictures, too. Tell us their story! What kind of car do they tend to drive? (What color is it?) What TV shows do they watch? Do they have children? Are any of them adopted? What are their favorite books, and who are their favorite politicians? How old are they? How old do they feel? And so on. The richer the detail, the better. The segment I chose was mothers and female guardians, of children 14 and younger. These women are the prototypical customer for my product. I imagine these women being young mothers, in their late twenties, early thirties, but are trendy and appear and seem younger than they actually are. Busy moms that have a career. They enjoy being physically fit, by exercising regularly. They would typically drive a new mid-sized sedan, safety first so maybe a white or silver Volvo. They en

Elevator Pitch No. 2 - 17A

I didn't get much feedback on my original elevator pitch except for one comment saying the actual product was a great idea. I decided to show my pitch to a few of my close friends and family and they commented that I should be more animated. So for this take, I used the same exact script since I liked the content along with the facts, except I tried to speak more naturally and with more enthusiasm. (Keyword: tried lol) I get very shy when I have to speak in front of a camera so hopefully, this works. Let me know your honest feedback!

What's Your Secret Sauce? - 16A

1)   Describe five ways in which you think you have human capital that is truly unique.   What is it about you, exactly, that makes you different? Write this up in a detailed list.  Smart Worker:   I think a lot of students and people will talk about how they are all hardworking. Which is definitely a great trait and attribute to have. But I tend to avoid constantly working hard, and look at my situation and focus on the most important task. How can I accomplish this with the least amount of effort, while still maintaining the same results? I love the quote that says, “work smarter, not harder”. Driven:  I am driven. Along with being a smart worker, I aim to get the job done. Once I set my mind to something I will give my all to accomplish it.    Curiosity: Ever since I was young, I was constantly asking questions, wanting to understand and learn more. I may ask too many questions sometimes, but I think that there is no such thing as a stupid question. It’s never too late to